About Masahito Katayama
原美術館, 東京 / 福岡市美術館, 福岡 / 大阪府 / 町田市立国際版画美術館, 東京 / 和歌山県立近代美術館, 和歌山 / ワコールアートセンター, 東京 / インディアナポリス美術館, イリノイ, アメリカ / 成都現代美術館, 成都, 中国 /
トレド美術館, オアハカ, メキシコ / デイルメンデレ市立美術館, デルメンデレ, トルコ/ホノルル美術館 ハワイ、アメリカ / ウォーカーヒルアートセンター, ソウル, 韓国 / ドイチェバンク フランクフルト支店, ドイツ /
パレスホテル東京 東京 / フェアモントホテル ジャカルタ インドネシア/ ルメリディアン瀋陽 中国 / リッツカールトン西安 中国 / 泰康の家 蘇州、武漢 中国
Katayama completed a Master’s degree at Kyoto City University of Arts in 1984 in painting. He visited the U.S. in 1988 on an Asian Cultural Council Fellowship and studied in England at Goldsmith College, University of London, in 1995 under a program of overseas study for artists sponsored by Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs.
At the beginning of the activity, he painted a monochrome abstract painting with black brush strokes entitled “For the Windy Day” and “The Genealogy of the Wind”. After that, from the middle of 1990, he released the HANA series, in which silhouetted plants were drawn on gold, and from the latter half of the 1990s, he released the “Membrane” series, which was produced with an interest in the relationship between vision and memory. Since 2010, he has released paintings by accumulating mainly ink lines such as spirals.
Originating from the fundamental question of “what is seeing”, he focused on the relationship between vision and perception other than vision, and the relationship between vision and memory, and created while quoting the modeling rhythm of life in the natural world.
In recent years, in addition to announcing Paintings, he also conducts regional revitalization projects and workshops that make use of art.